Date Created:
August 23, 2011 - 06:37
Date Updated:
June 17, 2015 - 10:13
Submitted by:
Test automation solution, handcrafted for Eclipse. Modern and easy to learn IDE, revolutionary Application Under Test state management, BDD-style ubiquitous language, and Tycho plugins will bring your Agile process to the next level.
- Handcrafted for Eclipse -- Test applications built with various Eclipse technologies including SWT/JFace, Platform, IDE, GEF, and GMF
- State Management -- Model the state of your application and run any subset of your tests in any order
- Productivity -- Realtime Eclipse code instrumentation enabling ultimate scenarios capturing and replaying functionality
- Develop with Modern IDE -- Modern Integrated Development Environment supporting debugging and refactoring
- Use Ubiquitous Language -- Your tests will be understandable by all the project participants. Employ QA engineers -- not Java coders
- Enable Agile -- Automate testing in minutes with Q7 Maven/Tycho plugin, and run tests in the cloud with Q7 Server