Submitted by:
Date Created:
Wed, 2012-06-27 10:16
Date Updated:
Wed, 2022-12-14 09:47
The Eclipse 4 Application Platform now uses CSS for theming Eclipse-based applications. The Lightweight CSS Editor provides support for editing and tweaking the active CSS theme for active application, accessible from the Workbench Preferences (General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts Preference page). There is also support for editing CSS files.
The editor is a component from the Eclipse Platform incubator project (called "e4").
Note: 0.16 is only compatible with Eclipse Platform 4.4 (Luna). Previous versions can be installed from earlier Eclipse e4 update sites:
- e4 0.14 for Eclipse Platform 4.3 (Kepler):
- e4 0.13 for Eclipse Platform 4.2 (Juno):
- e4 0.12 for Eclipse Platform 4.1 (Indigo):